Monday, April 18, 2016

Billionaire Super Charged Affirmations

Unique 1:1 Traffic Exchange

Billionaire - Super Charged Affirmations for Attracting Massive Wealth

 The theory (we believe it is much more than just a theory!) is that when you first start saying your positive affirmations, they may not be true, but with repetition they sink into your subconscious mind, you really start to believe them, and eventually they become your reality, they become a self fulfilling prophecy and actually become true.

Over time they overwrite any limiting or negative beliefs you may have about yourself or about not being able to do something, and replace them with positive thoughts and beliefs which instill confidence, belief, positivity, ambition and much more.

As you listen to these affirmations, you will find yourself feeling more positive than before the video began.

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Hope this video inspires and motivates you to take action. :)

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I am a billionaire.
I am a wealthy billionaire.
I expect to have a billion dollars.
Being a billionaire is my birthright.
Millions of dollars are coming to me.
I have a billion dollars in my bank account.
I am attracting millions of dollars.
Money is flowing to me now.
Money comes to me effortlessly.
I am comfortable with billions of dollars.
I effortlessly attract and manifest everything I desire.
I see abundance, goodness, love and well-being.
My prayers are always answered.
Miracles manifest every day.
I am manifesting miracles.
Inspiration and ideas flow effortlessly to me.
Opportunities always arrive at the right time.
I am grateful for this life of happiness, abundance, love and fulfillment.
I am a wealthy billionaire.
I am a multi-billionaire.
I have the ability to attract one million dollars.
I am worth a billion dollars.
I joyously accept millions of dollars into my life.
I rejoice in being a billionaire.
I release all of my past beliefs that have prevented me from becoming a billionaire.
I deserve to be a billionaire.
Money is energy in manifest form. I now draw that energy to myself by freely releasing my talents to the world.
I provide value worth millions and millions of dollars.
I am eternally grateful for the honor of being trusted with a billion dollars.
I have the talent and knowledge to create a billion dollars.
I make concrete actions toward creating a billion dollars.
Millions of dollars flows to me easily.
I love and enjoy having a billion dollars.
I love the feeling of having a billion dollars in my bank account.
I am a magnet for money. Prosperity is drawn to me.
Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.
I am worthy of making more money.
I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me.
I embrace new avenues of income.
I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life.
I use money to better my life and the lives of others.
Wealth constantly flows into my life.
My actions create constant prosperity.
I am aligned with the energy of abundance.
I constantly attract opportunities that create more money.
My finances improve beyond my dreams.
Money is the root of joy and comfort.
Money is my servant.
I am the master of my wealth.
I am able to handle large sums of money.
I am at peace with having a lot of money.
I can handle massive success with grace.
Money expands my life’s opportunities and experiences.
Money creates positive impact in my life.
I welcome all the things money can buy.
I give thanks that I am now a billionaire and so happy.
I was born to be a billionaire.
I am prosperous.
Prosperity is my birthright.
My life is prosperous.
Prosperity is mine.
I give generously to myself and others.
I see prosperity everywhere.
I attract prosperity like a powerful magnet.
I give thanks for the prosperity which is mine.
Wealth and prosperity is circulating in my life.
I deserve the good life.
I deserve to be happy.
I am worthy of prosperity now.
Golden living, loving well being is mine.
I live a charmed life.
All of my dreams are coming true.
Life is fun, easy and over-flowing with abundance.
I speak of success and prosperity. My words uplift and inspire others.
I trust the universal spirit of prosperity to provide richly for me now.
Prosperity and abundance surround me.
I attract prosperity with each thought I think.
I attract millions and millions of dollars to me now.
I am destined to find prosperity in everything I do.
The prospering truth now sets me free.

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