Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Meditation to Manifest Money

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MAKE MONEY! Meditation to Manifest Money with Law of Attraction and Your Angels

Buy this meditation file here: https://gum.co/bvncS

MAKE MONEY NOW! Manifest Money with the Help of Law of Attraction and surrounded by angels! Release limiting beliefs that are holding back money from coming into your life right now!!

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PTC Beginners Tips

PTC Beginners Tips



1. Use Different Usernames and passwords
Well basically In PTC, if you have an insecure password or use password on two sites, there's a chance your account will get hacked, and your balance cashed out to there account. Want to stop this? You'll need a secure user name/password which is what this guide is for. User name:

You may think: what's the harm in using the same username on every site? Well the risk is extremely but till existent, of an admin of another PTC site where you use the same username will come and hack your account. Or someone Might just hack your password using tools or luck.

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How to make unique on each site? Well there are quite a few networks of PTC's with the same owners so you can use the same user name there, (for example the latin PTC network the paid clicks network the titan cash network etc) so you can save time and effort there. If you use only decent PTC's then you should only need 4 or 5 user names Password:Base rules: don't ever use the same password twice (except maybe on networks - your choice) and never use the same password for a PTC as you do for your PayPal/alertpay account.

Try to use uppercase lower case and numbers in your password. A few good password examples:Fgn145JklP87RG12grwant even more secure? Use at least 10 characters JK12joo98KJFfF900aFfFTTFaF21135off course don't use these as there examples. Trusting thousands of dollars in an account? Use a password like thisPjRT1T5HHHas5.9561thats all, hope you don't get hacked....

How to find a good ftc program

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5 Questions to Ask to Find Out a Good PTC Site


Registering in paid-to-click sites or PTC sites is one of the easiest ways to earn money. It is really cool that you can get paid for what you really do on the internet. The phrase 'get paid to surf the internet' looks really great, but is it really great?

Unfortunately, the answer is 'No'. Because, it is much difficult to find out a good site among hundreds of scam sites out there and even if you find one, unless you have a couple of hundred referrals, you cannot earn some money that you can call as 'earning'.

So, how to find out if a PTC site is a scam or a good one?

There are five important questions which you have to ask to find out the truth.

Your words become flesh

Rev. Ike: Your Words Become Flesh

Your "word" -- what you think, feel and SAY about yourself, always comes into visibility as your experience!", says Rev. Ike!

Visit http://www.ScienceOfLivingOnline.com and sign up for 3

FREE GIFTS from Rev. Ike, including his powerful Thinkonomics e-book, and 7-lesson Visualization e-course, all absolutely free. Click the Share button below this video and share it on Facebook, Twitter and more! Tell your friends about Rev. Ike!

Click the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified about new Rev. Ike videos.

Follow Rev. Ike on Twitter for daily wisdom, inspiration, and links to free audio and videos.

Xavier Eikerenkoetter, Rev. Ike's son, carries on his father's great tradition at United Palace House of Inspiration in NYC. To watch live streaming of his inspiring Sunday Services, and learn more about Xavier's teaching and meditations, visit his website at http://unitedpalace.org/uphi

We love to know what you think! Join the conversation by leaving your comment in the comment box.

And remember this: There's only one law, that is the law of thought. As a mind thinks, so is he. ~Rev Ike

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Monday, April 18, 2016

How To Become A Millionaire

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How To Become A Millionaire - The Truth No One Tells You

  How To Become A Millionaire - The no-bullshit strategy that you must follow to become a millionaire and make tons of money.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo's Top 140 Self Help Bookshttp://www.actualized.org/books

Full Video Transcript Here:http://www.actualized.org/articles/ho...

Video Summary:
Skip the get rich quick schemes, the secret stock tips, or the "cheats" and gimmicks to become a millionaire

Billionaire Super Charged Affirmations

Unique 1:1 Traffic Exchange

Billionaire - Super Charged Affirmations for Attracting Massive Wealth

 The theory (we believe it is much more than just a theory!) is that when you first start saying your positive affirmations, they may not be true, but with repetition they sink into your subconscious mind, you really start to believe them, and eventually they become your reality, they become a self fulfilling prophecy and actually become true.

Over time they overwrite any limiting or negative beliefs you may have about yourself or about not being able to do something, and replace them with positive thoughts and beliefs which instill confidence, belief, positivity, ambition and much more.

As you listen to these affirmations, you will find yourself feeling more positive than before the video began.

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A Money Manifesting Ritual

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A Money Manifesting Ritual

Try this ritual with me to draw money, and anything else that you want!

Manifest Money Binaural beats

Full Color Printing from PsPrint
Manifest Money. Vibration of Prosperity Binaural beats

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Manifest Money. Vibration of Prosperity Binaural beats
This audio recording contains binaural beats at a select frequency (4.5Hz) to stimulate vivid imagination and relaxation. Please use headphones to access this.

To manifest abundance is a matter of imagining yourself already in possession of that which you desire. Imagine how it feels to already have what you want. Allow yourself to feel the joy and the gratitude. When you are alligned with your desires in this way, you cannot help but attract them into your life, be they emotional, material, financial etc.

Your mind is a magnet. The vibrational equivalent of your dominant thoughts will be drawn into your life. Make your dominant thoughts good ones!

Music by Life of Abundance ©2016

Save $5 Off orders over $5 on Ink & Toner at 123inkjets.com! Use code 5OFF5 (Offer ends 04/22/16. Excludes OEM items)

8 Hour Deep Sleep Affirmation

Unique 1:1 Traffic Exchange

Good Night 8 Hour Deep Sleep Astral Projection Affirmations

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Listened to Worldwide in all 196 Countries. Paul Santisi here. Here is a very powerful 8 HOUR sleep meditation combined with astral projection affirmations. Remember the only time this will happen is when you are vibrationally aligned with yourself. You cannot rush or force it happen. It takes longer for some than others, however we can all do it. This audio is a fantastic tool to assist you. Relax and drift off into deep cell rejuvenating sleep while removing negative blocks automatically. Enjoy your sleep and have a super day!

Makes sure to subscribe to all 3 of our YouTube channels.

The Paul Santisi Show -

Paul Santisi Musicmastermind -

ALSO make sure you go to
http://www.paulsantisifeelings.com and sign up for FREE..So I can send you so much more information on applying this material amazingly fast! So much more content to come!

Frequent Updates Coming!!!

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Frequent Updates Coming!!!

We will begin to update this blog more often now that we have time to work on it. I hope you all will bookmark this blog and visit often. Submit your own content to 13universe.com@gmail.com

Send video link, (youtube etc.) title of article/story along with description and links.
Your content must be about money and how to bring it into our lives.

Let's have some fun. Send ideas and comments to the same email.

Bookmark us today to see what's up tomorrow!


Len Pal